Monday, July 7, 2014

We are all Atheists

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Religion is an institution that has divided the human race over and over again. The world can be divided according to geography, language and most especially, religion.
However divided religious people around the world are, they still have the same hostile attitude toward non-believers, the godless or the ATHEISTS. "Atheist" has actually gained so much negative connotation in our society that it is thought by many people as "Devil worship."

People condemn non-religious people and label them disrespectful toward the God Who caused life in the universe. Atheists are even considered "non-citizens" and "non-patriots" of the leaders of the country where they live.

This is very sad to realize since it is a fact that WE ARE ALL ATHEISTS. Christians only have been brought up in the Christian faith because they were, by the smallest possibility, born in a Christian setting. The Muslims, also, were born in the Islamic faith, which is why they grow up serving and worshiping Allah. The Hindu do not know and do have enough empathy to understand why the Christians serve Yahweh and why Muslims praise Allah. For them, Lord Vishnu and Lord Krishna are the true Gods.

Therefore: WE ARE ALL ATHEISTS. Christians are atheistic toward Thor, Vishnu, Zeus, Apollo, Jupiter and Allah. Muslims are atheistic toward the million Gods of the Hindu. Moreover, the Hindu are atheistic to all Gods not in their list of gods.

It is arrogant to say that other religious groups are wrong since we can all be wrong. "We are all atheists about most of the gods that humanity has ever believed in. Some of us just go one god further." (Richard Dawkins)


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